“”Are You On The Right Path In These Challenging Times?
Perhaps you have noticed the deep ideological divide humanity struggles with today.
Some of us build bridges to unite – while others erect barriers to divide.
Some of us choose love and compassion – while others hide behind fear and hatred.
Some of us strive to contribute and honor a higher purpose – while others chase temporary and selfish gratification.
If you’re reading this, you already know which path is right for you.
But are your daily thoughts, actions, and contributions in alignment with your divine calling?
Or do you still find yourself too often dragged down by the negativity, anxiety, and turbulence of modern life?
If you’re ready to embrace a new level of self-mastery in these urgent times, then we invite you to join iconic messenger Neale Donald Walsch on a spiritual 36-day Quest like no other –
As he facilitates your transformation into what he calls a Highly Evolved Being.
A Highly Evolved Being is a person who has risen above the social, spiritual, environmental, and political turmoil of our times –
To embrace a higher stage of spiritual awareness in every area of life.
A Highly Evolved Being is a person who is holistically equipped to release their old disempowering holding patterns –
And instead express divine joy, abundance, contribution, and purpose in our turbulent modern world.
A Highly Evolved Being is a person whose very presence uplifts others towards their own spiritual evolution.
Anyone has the capacity to become a Highly Evolved Being. In fact according to Neale, it’s what you were born to be.
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