Masterclass Highlights
The 4Ds of Lucid Dreaming:
Follow these four easy steps to engage your mind’s natural ability to experience Lucid Dreams (it’s not a gift or a talent, anyone can do this).
Holistic healing through dreaming:
Discover how to use Lucid Dreaming to heal pain and illness, overcome fears and emotional trauma, and effortlessly erase unhealthy habits like smoking and overeating.
Your life’s greatest questions, answered:
Wondering if you should take that job? Date that person? Make that big, life altering decision? Access your inner intelligence, and get the answers and clarity you need in your dreams.
Why professional athletes swear by Lucid Dreaming:
Studies show Lucid Dreaming improves physical strength, endurance, and fitness in the real world – here’s how that’s possible.
The 10 ‘magic words’ to remember any Dream:
Just recite these words before bedtime, and start remembering vivid dreams tonight.
By the end of this Masterclass, you’ll understand not only the fascinating science behind the Lucid Dreaming phenomenon – but also the exact steps to experiencing your own Lucid Dreams that heal, enrich, and transform every dimension of your waking life.
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