When Was The Last Time You Learned How to Read?
Chances are, you’re asking this question out loud, in your head, right now.
You see, there’s an inner voice that comes out whenever you read… and it’s your voice.
Why does this happen?
Because it’s a habit you picked up when you were about six years old.
When you were in primary school and your teacher made you read aloud, you sounded out words and your teacher corrected you as you went along. Eventually, your teacher told you to read silently.
That’s when you took the out loud voice and turned it inward.
And that’s the last time you learned to read.
But the trouble is, your six year old self wasn’t taught to handle the information overload of today’s society.
Right now, your mind can only process as much information as you can read. And you can only read as fast as you can talk.
Which means, your rate of growth is much slower than it could be.
Jim Kwik
Jim Kwik
Traditional Education Has Stolen Your Brain’s Natural Talent
Children learning to read
Once your childhood mind formed the traditional way of reading, it held onto that method of learning.
For years, your mind has believed it has a limit on its abilities… that you can be a “gifted” learner or not…
That you can’t change your IQ, or your reading speed, or your ability to learn and retain new information.
When in fact, traditional reading is the thief that’s locked your mind’s true abilities away.
But what if there’s a way to accelerate your reading speed and turn learning into your superpower?
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