“This quest is for everyone who wants to experience unheard of levels of abundance, significance and happiness, while having the practical wisdom to weather any adversity they face along the way.
What if there was a way to make yourself so resilient to adversity that you could sail through storms that would sink most ships?
What if you could apply the practical wisdom of ancient masters- stripped from all cultural and religious connotations- to ride out these these mighty waves without abandoning ship or drowning in a sea of self doubt?
Mindvalley has helped you realize your potential and find your purpose. Professor Srikumar Rao is now inviting you to look inward to access the extreme resilience you need to pursue your passions relentlessly and attract all the abundance you desire- no matter what is happening around you.
But before we go further, we need to address a question many of you might have on your minds:
According to Srikumar Rao, one of the most important questions you can ask yourself is this:
“Is The Universe Friendly?”
Einstein also asked the same question.
On first glance, the answer is obvious. We know that the universe is a friendly place, and we yearn for those precious moments where we can tap into its deep source of wisdom to lead more spectacular lives.
Yet when things go sideways… when unanticipated consequences arrive, or the universe doesn’t seem to act in our favor the way we expect it to, it’s natural to wonder if the universe is merely neutral or even indifferent to our desires.
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