Learn tactics for achieving better outcomes in any interaction-at home or at work-and tools for framing your message, navigating cognitive biases, and pitching ideas, products, or yourself.
16 video lessons (2h 57m)
Browse Lesson Plan
1. Meet Your Instructor
2. Sales Trends
3. Attunement: Finding Common Ground
4. Serve Your Audience
5. Exercise: Creating a Discussion Map
6. Clarity: Making Your Message Count
7. Getting Others to Act
8. Create a Connection by Mimicking
9. Persuasive Framing
10. Pitching Like a Pro
11. Exercise: Asking for a Raise
12. Buoyancy: Develop a Resilient Mindset
13. Introvert, Extrovert, or Ambivert
14. Persuade Yourself: How to Self-Motivate
15. Using Timing to Become a Better Persuader
16. Beginnings, Middles, and Endings
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