1. Introduction
David outlines what he’ll cover in this class, and the best mindset you can have to learn how to write great drama.
2. Purpose of Drama
Trying to understand drama? Look no further than everyday life. David teaches you how to recognize drama at its best—when it seeks to simply entertain, not teach.
3. Purpose of Drama (Cont’d)
Learn how drama functions as a form of myth, the ways in which it enlightens the complexities of humanity, and how it provides us with an outlet for expressing the issues that preoccupy us.
4. Dramatic Rules
As a dramatist, your job is to tell a story. David teaches you how to keep your story simple by using Aristotle’s Poetics as a guide. Learn how to keep your hero’s journey at the heart of your narrative.
5. Dramatic Rules (Cont’d)
Start at the beginning of your story and don’t stop until you reach the end. Throw away anything that isn’t plot. David teaches you what to cut from your script and how to master the rules of writing.
6. Story Ideas
David teaches you how to harness your fantasies and life experiences for drama. Look for drama in places where you’d least expect it and discover the inspiration behind several of his plays.
7. Character
David teaches you what character really is—action. Learn how to create objectives for your characters and avoid the erroneous techniques commonly taught.
8. Plot
Plot is paramount. Become familiar with the essential ingredients of a plot like the precipitating event and the second-act problem. Learn how to find the plot hiding behind your scenes.
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